Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Ready to Homeschool

The summer is ending fast and I'm getting geared up to start homeschooling. I have been going through the materials for this next year. I think your first year homeschooling is always the hardest because your not quite sure what to expected. For me it was like I had to start school all over, but as time goes on I figured out what worked and what didn't.

I have a couple of tips for you to start the school year. I also found a book that is a guide of what you could do and the things you need to start homeschooling. The book is call "Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling" by Mary Pride, it had some really good ideas and I took what I needed for the book to start my schooling. How I learned what I needed was mostly by hit and miss, but the book is a wonderful guide to help you get started with what you need.

1. Sit down with your children and give them the guidelines of what you expect from them this school year. Remember you will have bumps in the road along the way. Last year we had some obstacles and butted heads, but we got through it. You need to remind them that you are not only mom or dad, but also the teacher. You have the way that you want it done and they need to respect that.

2. When you get their curriculum make sure you go through it and know how you want to start. Sometimes going through it chapter by chapter isn't how it is set up, or how you like it. You may have to skip around. Look through it very carefully and decide how you want to start. Make sure you make a plan for it. If you don't have a plan you may run in to some trouble.

3. I also sit down with my daughter (she is 14) and let her look through it also. We are starting Algebra this year and I wanted her to know what it is going to be like. We are also doing a harder grammar. I'm not very good a grammar so I will be learning right along with her. I feel that if she knows what is ahead of her she won't be as intimidated and also it gives me an idea of what her concerns are. If they are little you can show them what they are doing and they will give you an idea of what you are started out with.

I have given you a couple tips to get you started before school starts. Remember have fun with it.
