Sunday, July 12, 2009

I want to briefly tell you about myself and family in my new blog. I have never blogged before, but if I can help someone who is starting to home school their children or is thinking about it maybe I can help. Maybe someone can help me with some of my struggles also.

I have been home schooling my daughter since she was in the 3rd grade. My husband and I have decided when she got into some trouble at school that enough was enough. Now she is in the 9th grade and doing really well.

My next door neighbor helped me out a lot the first couple of years. She got her were she need to be in her reading and I got her up to speed in her math. Now I have found what her strengths and weakness are and we can focus on those things that need help.

I had been working up until this last year, seeing that trying to work and home school was way to hard on us both. My husband and I both agree that if you have child that is able to work independently it would have been alright to work, but she was not one of those children. I was cleaning houses so I didn't have a full schedule until about the last year of work. Now that I am a stay at home my I have my own struggles with that, but learning to work around it.

Maybe some of you can share with me some of your own struggles and maybe we can support each other. I'm always looking for new ways to get through the homeschooling year. I am also looking for things to do in the summer time that doesn't cost to much. If you have any ideas or just want to say hi please post on this blog.

Thanks for your time to read this


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